
Illustration, and sketching have long been my creative expression and meditation
outside of my work in product and brand design.
I am so happy to offer my love of creative expression in this way with you.

Discover prints below, and please follow links to etsy for pre-order purchase.

All works are hand illustrated, no ai or photoshop/re-touching is used in the process.
Print Specs: LexJet premium archival matte 230 gsm paper
All prints are signed.


Spring Flight

Inspired by a family traditional of bird watching.
As a child, I spent summer weeks at my grandparent's house on the lake. They were avid birdwatchers with an Audubon Society guide (I can feel the waxy waterproof pages to this day), and binoculars at hand. Hydrangeas surrounded a large bird feeder in perfect view from their four seasons sunroom where we had breakfast, and dessert.
As an adult, my parents took up the tradition with no less than 5 bird feeders to attract a flurry of activity on our lake - binoculars, and now iphones at hand for quick captures.
Cardinals and Blue Jays always got a call-out. My Grandma was convinced all blue jays were mean. Our Dalmatian Ezekiel ‘Zeke’ - was attacked by a few pairings of blue jays after instigating them in our yard.
My mom loved any visiting bird.

I wanted to capture the jolt of color cardinals and blue jays provide, in winter, and in early spring when the lake is still quiet, nothing is budding but the snow is gone. Their vibrant reds and blues splashing the muted landscape as we wait.


Mirrored Strawberries

Strawberry bunches engineered to create a unique bouquet. Set against a bold contrast of robins egg, fresh water blue.


Forest Floor

Floral vines set atop a flurry of ferns on a dark ground. Inspired by the myriad of ferns and wildflowers I see on my walks with my dog.


Strawberry Bunches

Inspired by vintage seed pack illustrations, and my favorite summer fruit - strawberries. Nothing is better than fresh picked strawberries still warm from the sun, with fresh whipped cream on top of a classic sponge.

The Hunt

’The Hunt’ is inspired by my love of the creatures I encounter living in the Northern Great Lakes, and the tension that is inevitable with nature. Adoring the sweet rabbits feasting on clover at dawn, to the startling sight of finding my schnauzer playing with a fox - who was completely unbothered by my presence. I could hardly believe how beautiful the fox was, how sweet and - domesticated it behaved. Living more fully amongst nature makes you aware of the fragile, somewhat stressful, interconnectedness of everything you encounter; and its survival reliant on each other.


First Love

My first coronet, my first love - exploding with oversized floral blooms. A romantic, and somewhat absurdist expression of the feeling of creating music, my first moment that made life make sense.
I grew up with my mom’s coronet in our toy room and was obsessed with it as soon as I was allowed to handle it. I inevitably went on to play coronet, then trumpet and French horn in my high school music program, private tutoring, and in drum corps international. My mom played coronet, trumpet, and French horn - & now my nephew plays my Bach Omega trumpet in his music program at Berlin school.
Music, for me, was the first place I was able to express my creativity confidently.


Futbol Spring

Inspired by my favorite sport - a football player is suspended over a dreamscape of daffodils; the athleticism and precision in another space becomes a ballet.


Suit Up

Inspired by all things Fellini, 1950s, Italian cut suiting, and imagining yourself pulling it off.
Rich browns and creams set against a true khaki block of color asks you to envision yourself in another time.


Fishing for Time

Many summer hours past, present, and future are spent captaining our fishing pontoon around the lake while my parents fish. Bimini up - blue skies, and emerald water sparkling expanding from every view. Whether you return with a basket full of fish, or none - no time wasted at all.